Last week was a lot of fun as I traveled up through CT, NY and PA. I started in New Britain CT where I watched the New Britain Rock Cats. This was a fun event at a great park and I got to meet Tom Kelly, the former Twins manager who led his team to beat the Braves in a World Series. The next day I drove through the state of New York to get over to the home of my favorite sitcom, Scranton PA. That's right, I spend two lovely days in the great (kind of boring) city of Scranton so I could watch the Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yankees play. While I was there I experienced a lot of things...I saw a (green, not white this time of year) ski resort, went 300 feet below the earth's surface to experience what the coal miners had to go through over 100 years ago, met a former Yankee Alvaro Espinoza, had to go without a shower because the power went out for 15 hours in the hotel and my bathroom was pitch black (!!) and enjoyed a beautiful walk through a historic park which gave me some beautiful views of the city. And let's not forget, I got to see the Welcome to Scranton sign, although it's different now as they updated it...bummer. ....view my pictures below....
After Scranton I headed to Lehigh Valley, where I thought I would find some antique shops, but all I found was nothing. Ha. Kind of boring and I was disappointed so I just drove around for 45 minutes to finally find a place with free internet so I could at least get some work done. That night I watched the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs play in a fabulous stadium, and was then back on the road to get to Philadelphia that night. Traffic was a nightmare!!! So when I finally arrived in Philly (almost an hour later than I should have) I was so thankful for a shower (remember, no power that morning in Scranton) and a comfy bed :)
Saturday morning lended itself to some free time for me which meant I could explore the city a bit...see pictures below...the one thing you will not see a picture of is the Liberty Bell. I was able to see it, but I was merely driving by and looking in the building because it was CRAZINESS to find parking around there! Then I went and ate a Philly Cheese steak at Ricks (highly recommended by several locals) and purchased some yummy cherries from an Amish farmer at the market. After my Philly adventure, I headed back to my hotel, packed up and headed to the airport to wait on my (delayed) flight. I quickly forgot my frustration of having to wait when she scanned my ticket and said "ma'am, you've been upgraded to first class" ...thank you Lord! A couple free drinks and a chat with a professional basketball player later, and I was safely back in HOT-lanta.
Please note as you look at the pictures below...when you travel by yourself your pictures can be kind of lame. Please forgive the silliness, and laugh along with me for having ten pictures of just me.
The famous sign that has been updated....
For real, Mifflin Avenue
Gharry watching the informative Coal Mining movie before we went underground....
Go Iron Pigs :)
Yummy Philly cheese steak!