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Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnant Chrissi...oh, what a funny place this can be!

I cry.
I sleep an hour past my alarm {although I am really awake, I just refuse to get out of the bed}.
Baby bedding is all I want to think about/plan.
I laugh about our gender debacle {more on that soon}.
I get leg cramps during the night.
I feel huge {and realize I have a long way to go before I really know what "HUGE" is}!
I forget everything.
I touch my belly too much {who could help it?!}.
I let worry get the best of me.

I smile.
I fall more in love with my husband watching him talk to the baby and get excited over tiny shoes and tiny outfits.
I praise the Lord for creating this child inside of me who is growing strong and steady.
I ultimately remember who is in control and I let go of the worry and trust that HIS PLAN is way bigger than my own.  

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  PHIL. 4:4-9

Life is good, regardless of the stress, the worries, the tears...December will be here before we know it and I can hardly wait!!

Choose happiness, and make it a great day! 


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Baby Kicks!!

Holy. Macaroni.  Last night was a GOOD NIGHT :) 


I've read here, there and everywhere that ladies feel their babes at different stages.  "You always feel it earlier in your second (third, whatever) pregnancy because you know what it feels like."  Blah, Blah, Blah... 

Lucky for me, I have two sisters who educated me very well on what to feel for :) perks of having babies after them ;)

Last week I read an article that said if you lay or sit very still and wait for it, you may be able to feel it and know what it is.  Often times, women who are pregnant with their first don't stop and focus on the tiny rumble in their tummy, as it feels like it could be a gas bubble.

My dinner with my Grandma last night included more sugar than I usually take in at supper time but BOY was it yummy! which I was hoping would maybe hype this little one up a bit.  After we finished dinner and I headed home, I figured I should give this whole 'lay still and wait' a try.  Upon arriving home I jumped into my jammies and told BL he could find me "being very still on the sofa" while I watched the Bachelorette, and there I lay.  It was about 10 minutes after plopping laying down, I felt popcorn in my belly.  Just as my sisters had said "little tiny flutters, like a butterfly or some popping popcorn", I felt my baby!!  However, I wasn't 100% sold (remember, I am a first time feeler here) so I lay there and waited to see if I had to toot pass some gas.  No toots gas.  Then suddenly, more popcorn, in just about the same spot as before.  

This was really happening. 

Shockingly, tears ensued.  

I felt my baby :) 

What a great evening. 


Monday, July 2, 2012

26 before 30

 Happy to report:  On our 'babymoon' I was able to cross off another item from the list...

11. Fly a kite

Some might say it's crazy that I have no childhood memories of trying to get a kite in the air (which is not as easy as it looks...) and then sending it up, up, and away. But alas, I can assure you I do not.  Perhaps it's because we never did it or perhaps just because I have not seen it on one of our home movies to jog my memory.  Either way, I wanted to fly a kite.  SUCCESSFULLY.  

On our trip to Oregon/Washington State, we decided it would be a perfect time to try.  We made our way to some tiny little grocery store and proceeded to argue discuss which type of kite was better.  My husband, who is a very wise man, told me we needed to spend the extra few dollars for a fancy better kite so we would have an easier time getting, and keeping, it in the air.  Did I say BL was wise?  He was very much right about this (either that or I am a seriously good kite flier), and we had a blast flying that thing on the beach!  What a fun memory to share with such a special man.  Can't wait to take our little one out to fly a {fancy} kite too! 

getting started!

not sure if you can tell....but....
that sucker was really high up there!   
