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Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Letters {8}

 my sweet baby boy this morning, just happy as can be.... 

Dear Max, thank you for completing my world.  I had no clue how a mother's love felt, but I had an idea or two, and you blew those out of the water.  You are everything we dreamed of and more.  I love you to the moon & back.  Dear friends & family, thank you for the meals, visits, love & support!  We are so blessed by each of you.  Dear REM cycle, maybe one day we will meet again?  I forget what it feels like to actually enter you, but alas, I will take whatever sleep I can get & savor the sleepless moments with my boy.  After all, I know you will return to my life once he is sleeping through the night.  Dear Veronica Roth, thanks for keeping me occupied during feedings and keeping me up when I do have a chance to sleep.  Your books are just what I needed {have you heard of DIVERGENT & INSURGENT?!  If you like Hunger Games, you will love these...}.  Dear Mother's Milk tea, thanks for working {TMI perhaps, but if you know what I mean, you know what I mean}.

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you all have had a great week & have a wonderful weekend ahead!! 

Now  Go Link Up! with Ashley for Friday's Letters!



  1. He's so cute!!!! I need to read divergent!! Have a great weekend

  2. I love seeing pictures of Max. He is so precious! I want to read those books when life hands me a little more free time. I loved Hunger Games!!

    I'm nursing/pumping & use that tea & fenugreek. What helped me the most though was when a friend said she drink at least 100oz a day to keep her supply up. That's my goal every day & it doubled what I was producing. Thought I would share in case you needed help:)

  3. **drinks 100oz of water a day...might be helpful. Ha!


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