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Friday, November 1, 2013

Ch-Ch-Ch- Changes

Change is both good and tough.  My work for example, is full of change; each new event I coordinate is just that, NEW!  Changes every single time and I love it!  I want new challenges and adventures...ever changing experiences.   That is "work Chrissi".  Let's talk about "non-work Chrissi", perhaps we could even call her "real Chrissi".  Real Chrissi, she hates change. Why is Chrissi talking in third person?   Large shifts in the way my life is "supposed" to go can really throw me off mentally, emotionally and sometimes even physically.  If we have plans, I keep them.  Changing them will make me feel off balance.  It's strange I know; to want change and excitement but then to allow change to knock me into a new state of crazy is, well, stupid.

Anyways.  On to the changes.  Or really change.  One.  Many of my readers know this news already, but some may not....  My sister is moving to Austin, TX.  I realize you may be thinking, how is your sister moving really going to change your life? To that I would quickly answer: drastically.  You can hop over to her blog to read all of her updates and changes but I wanted to document it here too.  Our lives are about to change in a big way!  I am nervous, but I am excited for her!  This is a huge opportunity and I am so proud to watch her (and her hubs) trust in God's plan for their lives!  It's hard to say anything bad about it, really, because it is so wonderful!  However {gulp}, it's going to be one of the hardest things I have had to do...  Go to Texas in a few weeks, help them unload the boxes and get settled, and then get in the car and drive back home.  Back to Georgia.  Without them.

{excuse me while I go grab some more tissues}

Where were we?  Oh yes...change.

I am learning more and more this year that change is really a chance to cling to Jesus and renew your faith in His plan.  Being a momma is nothing short of fabulous, but it brings with it a LOT of change.  Schedule (big one for me!), money, friendships, marriage; it changes them all!   Walking by faith is the only way I will make it through!  I know God has a beautiful plan written out (hello, Romans 8:28), but it's not my plan.  It is HIS plan.  Just like this move with my sister; it's not mine (I would live with her forever in the same house if I could! Our husbands would die.); He planned it!  So my prayer for this new change is that our family would see it all as a blessing to be a part of God's work, and that we would be humbled he chose our sister/daughter/aunt/friend to walk in His will and bring more glory to Him.  It will be hard, we will cry and cry and cry and cry and cry, but we have phones, we have internet, we have week-long vacations to hang out, and on top of it all, we have a bond that miles can't separate.

Do you live away from family?  How do you do it?!

Make it a great day friends, and choose to trust in God's great plan!



  1. Oh no, sorry to hear that your sister is moving away :( I don't live close to my family or my in-laws. My family is a plane ride or 36 hour car ride away and it's never easy, so I know how you feel

  2. I know how close the family is and how great a challenge this will be…but you already know Romans 8:28.

  3. awe I am sorry she is moving. It is hard. This is the second year my brother has lived here, before that for 6 years he was away and it killed me. I hope it all goes well!!

  4. Distance won't change the awesome relationship y'all seem to have. I love to hear how close you are to your sis!

  5. I got to thinking about you this morning and realized I hadn't seen a new post from you in a while. Not sure why my blog feed never showed this post, but I'm glad to see you're okay, despite the news of your sister's big move.

    I'm with you on not being a big fan of change, but I'm learning to "roll with it" more and more as a new mom.

    Wishing your sister the best of luck with her big move and here's hoping the transition goes just as smoothly for you, too!

  6. It was hard when we were in DC and our family in Tennessee, but having Facetime/skype dates made a huge difference!! And reading blogs helps too because you are seeing pictures of them all the time. But not going to lie-sometimes it just plain sucks. Find cheap airline tickets. :) Your attitude about it is awesome!


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