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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Welcome to the world, 2014!

Happy New Year, friends! 

Does anyone still read this blog?  What a bore it’s become, I wouldn’t blame you for moving on… I keep hoping to come back, but alas never seem to quite make it.  Every day I sit at my computer for work, and stare at the screen, and type the little keyboard, and use the {awesome} cordless mouse… All. Day. Long.  Then I go home and spend time with my little man, whom I have missed so terribly during the day, and I try to find some time to unwind, all while doing a bazillion chores that didn’t get done during the day because I was, you guessed it, at work.  Working. 

Luckily for me, I really enjoy what I do and the people I work with.  Dad often told us growing up that if we like what we do, we will never work a day in our life.  Well, I do feel like this is true, but I also know a lot of days I am working, even if I do love it.  The end of the day can’t come soon enough, not because I dislike what I am doing, but because I want to get my arms, hands, kisses all over that sweet boy of ours.  

What does that have to do with this blog?  Well, quite frankly this is my venting session to make myself feel better about having no blog posts lately.  I doubt any readers have made it this far anyways…

There is so much to catch up on, really… Max turned one; we celebrated both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And New Year’s too.  So maybe not that much, but it’s a lot to me.  I finally treated myself to a new camera (a “starter” DSLR, if you will) and I have loads of pictures to post!   So while I am nowhere near promising to post again soon, or to actually cover all of the above mentioned events in our lives, I do want to stop by this place of mine more often.

What I will leave you with today is something that made me melt into a puddle yesterday – Max can blow kisses now!!  Seriously, can’t stop asking him to do it.  Melts. Me.  I love being a momma. 

Make it a great day friends! 



  1. You DO still have at least one loyal reader. :-) I'm also a reader who appreciates/understands your absence...this working mom can absolutely relate to the fact that there just aren't enough hours in the day. Sigh... And unfortunately, my blogging (or lack thereof) has definitely taken a backseat too.

    Hope your sister's move went well and I look forward to hearing about your holidays and Max's first birthday soon! Or if anything, at least seeing the pictures from your fancy new camera! :-)

  2. Wahoo! Welcome back! I know what you mean though- wanting to blog and just not getting it done. Story of my life. I can't believe that Max is already one! Time has flown!

  3. I read the whole thing! :)

    His kisses are too sweet!!!

  4. I love reading your blog Chrissi!

  5. I was so happy to see your post pop up this morning! Max is adorable :)


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