Sound familiar?
Picking up the phone and dialing in to a line where you have to state your name after the beep (PS, I hate when there is a ROLL CALL involved where they actually play back everyone's 'name after the beep') and then wait for everyone to join so you can begin. What
Ok, ok, I am sure you're thinking that I am complaining a lot for someone who loves my job so much. Truth is, I do love my job. Honestly, I think it's one of the best in the world....but I still don't like conference calls. I like my boss, I like my colleagues and I like my clients, I just do not like conference calls. I am much more of a one-on-one call kind of gal, and someone who would just rather do the work and get stuff done than get everyone's feedback at once on a conference call line.
Anyone relate?
Well, I certainly don't want to end my post sounding like such a sourpuss. On a very happy note, I will have a new last name in 30 days. I was talking to Bobby yesterday about whether or not he will cry. He played it cool, but I know this man. There will be tears.
Finally, I would like to share this adorable video with you...I could watch this daily (and judging from my above post, perhaps I should....)
your conference call talk made me laugh so hard. almost as hard as the video, lol. you're adorable.