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Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New You...or me?

Happy New Year to my friends and family in the blog world :)

I found this article while browsing the web and thought it was interesting...how many of these have you made?  More importantly, how many have you made AND followed through with? 

The below list are the top ten resolutions listed in the survey of over 300,000 folks at 10millionresolutions.com, with my notes

1. Lose Weight and Get in Better Physical Shape
yes, this would be nice ... hopefully signing up for another half marathon will encourage this. i want to be my best ME in 2011, spiritually, physically, mentally.
2. Stick to a Budget
we need to get ours together first. UGH.
3. Debt Reduction
I think I have made myself very clear, BL & I want to be debt free!!! 
4. Enjoy More Quality Time with Family & Friends
I am bias, but I do have the best family and friends - why wouldn't I want to spend more time with them?  I would also like to make new blog friends this year.  People who don't blog may think this is silly, those of us that do just understand. 
5. Find My Soul Mate
Done. Now my goal is to be the best wife I can be - the wife I am called to be.
6. Quit Smoking
Not an issue for me, but if it is for you, I wish you much strength and perseverance in this!!
7. Find a Better Job
Luckily, I do love my job :)
8. Learn Something New
Learn new sewing techniques,  learn to knit, learn more scripture, the list goes on....
9. Volunteer and Help Others
This is definitely on my list for 2011 - give more time to others and stop thinking my problems are so big!
10. Get Organized
Our house is nuts right now (ahem, two grown adults sharing the space of one = cramped); we need the organization!! 

Make it a great year!!



  1. I love this! Good luck with everything! I really need to work on a budget and freeing myself of debt this year too. It's a constant struggle!

    Cheers to the new year, sweet blog friend <333

  2. I definitely have some of these on my list! :) Head over to the blog to see which ones. :) So far I have stuck to all of them but I am behind on my daily Bible reading already. I blame it on the Flu but when I put the kiddos down for a nap I plan to catch up. :)

  3. Paying for the wedding, being healthy (eating better and losing weight) and budgeting better and being debt free are definitely on my (our) list this year. I think we will go into 2012 debt free (well, besides student loans) and we are working really hard on a budget that works for us.

    We can do it!! :)

  4. seriously chrissi- i told you to stop smoking :)


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